Folk Remedies for Alcoholism

Folk remedies are one of the most affordable options for the treatment of alcoholism. Their effectiveness has been proven in many examples in life, including when traditional medicine has not achieved the expected results.

Consider the most effective folk remedy for drunkenness.

Chemerichnaya water

To treat chronic alcoholism, people widely use Veratrum (also known as puppets).

Pour one tablespoon of crushed plant roots with half a cup of boiling water, filter thoroughly after one hour, add boiling water to the original volume (up to half a cup). Store the cooled infusion in the refrigerator. Add fifteen drops to half a liter of vodka, shake well and drink. After that, the patient will begin to vomit. Therefore, in a relatively short period of time, the craving for drunkenness will disappear, and aversion to alcoholic beverages will generally develop. Chemerichny water can also be added to food and beverages (tea, preserves): 3 times a day, 5 drops each time.

castor oil

A very suspicious method, once used by doctors. It involves pouring castor oil (literally, horse dose) into the "patient"'s throat. There is no evidence that castor oil can treat drunkenness. Obviously, the effect of castor oil is based on the fact that the effort to suppress its laxative effect makes the patient's mind sober.


The use of honey to treat alcohol dependence is based on the fact that according to folk medicine, the attractiveness of vodka is due to the lack of potassium in the body. The use of honey just made up for this shortcoming, so the craving for drinking is gradually reduced.

Give the patient six teaspoons of honey every twenty minutes for one hour (18 teaspoons in one hour), then rest for two hours and repeat the process. In the following days, drink six teaspoons of honey before and after breakfast. The honey treatment takes place within 3-4 days. There is a rejection of alcohol. Although it has not been clinically proven, it is clear that this method can maintain and enhance health-thereby alleviating "alcohol restraint. "

In addition to honey itself, beekeeping products such as bee bread (bee bread) are used in alternative medicine to treat addiction. Take a mixture of one teaspoon of bee bread and one teaspoon of honey half an hour before meals (do not swallow, keep on your tongue and gradually dissolve). Repeat the treatment three times a day, and the effect will be obvious on the second or third day of treatment. For prevention, the treatment is repeated 3 times a week. This method can reduce the risk of mental trauma when giving up alcohol, improve blood circulation in the brain, help remove toxins from the liver, and lead to alcohol withdrawal.

Honey fights alcoholism

Treatment with bee stings at the initial stage of alcoholism: put fifteen live medicine bees on the body, press gently, and remove the stings after five minutes. Only at the beginning of treatment does the bite appear painful. This method is not suitable for allergy sufferers.


Clefthoof (European clefthoof, also called hernia) is used as a decoction in the treatment of alcoholism. It is prepared like this: Pour a teaspoon of hernia roots with a cup of hot water, cook for five minutes on low heat, close the lid, and let it stand for another hour. Add vodka to the infusion at a rate of one tablespoon per 100 grams of alcohol, or take one tablespoon per day. Due to the toxicity of clefthoof cattle, it can cause vomiting. Treat it until a lasting aversion to alcohol develops.

Patients with angina pectoris and pregnant women should not use this decoction.

There is also a way to take clefthoof, such as adding plant powder to coffee (add a quarter teaspoon of clefthoof powder to 50 grams of coffee and repeat after a few days). The effect is the same: drinking can cause vomiting, and finally aversion to alcohol altogether.


Thyme (also known as thyme, also known as creeping thyme) has long been used to treat alcoholism, including in herbal teas and herbal preparations. For example, mix 4 parts thyme, 1 part thyme, and 1 part wormwood. Pour one tablespoon of this series into a cup of boiling water, hold for an hour, filter and take 1-2 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals.

Thyme helps relieve alcoholism, sober, and then completely heal.

Another herbal formula for treating alcoholism includes yarrow (St. John's wort), absinthe, thyme, angelica, peppermint, and juniper. Pour the herbal mixture (spoon) into one liter of boiling water and soak for ten minutes. After drinking this tea, kidney function and sweating increase, tremor stops, and alcohol decomposition products are naturally excreted from the body. A similar herbal tea is made from a mixture of thyme, horsetail, lovage (grass), juniper berries, and cyanotic root. Herbal tea is a gentle drinking therapy.

Dung Mushroom

Dung beetle mushroom is a unique, time-tested healing potion that can free you from drunkenness. Mushrooms are cooked in the traditional way: boiled, fried, stewed, roasted. They taste like mushrooms, not suspicious. When the fungus enters the body, the decomposition of alcohol in the blood slows down, and severe poisoning begins. Over time, after several "conferences", people's aversion to alcohol continued.

baking soda

Baking soda is not used as a medicine, but as a way to relieve, relieve symptoms and eliminate alcoholism. For 180 ml of warm water, you need to take a teaspoon (without slide) of baking soda and drink it. Depending on the degree of poisoning, it may take up to one liter of this solution to flush and completely clean the poison in the body. Vomiting after drinking the solution will prevent toxins from being absorbed into the blood, and the condition will be improved. Under the action of carbon dioxide in the stomach, the production of gastric juice will be accelerated, which also helps to neutralize poisons.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is a well-known and reliable drug for the treatment of alcoholism. Put two bay leaves into 250 ml of vodka and soak in a warm place for two weeks (for efficiency, you can add bay root or lovage root); then take 2-3 tablespoons before meals. Laurel tincture can cause indigestion and vomiting, thereby preventing alcoholics from drinking forever. Reception courses: 7-10 days a day.

There are also recipes that use bay leaves. Therefore, 12 grams of lavrushka should be steamed with boiling water (a cup and a half), boiled, and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Drink soup during the day.


Ram (this is another name for the stick-shaped lyre) is a low creeping shrub that grows in our forest. This plant has long been used to treat alcoholics. Pour 10 grams of ram branches into a cup of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes on low heat. Use two tablespoons of broth and alcohol at the same time. Taking the broth can cause nausea and vomiting. After 3-4 receptions, the craving for alcohol continues to decrease.

The prerequisite for treatment with Gongyang Decoction is to stop drinking for at least 4 days. Since plants are poisonous, the dosage must be strictly adhered to. In addition, the herb is contraindicated in thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, and peptic ulcer disease.

When using folk remedies for treatment, it should be remembered that even if there are many positive reviews, herbal medicines are by no means harmless. They may have side effects and contraindications. Moreover, if you really decide to receive treatment at home, you need to consider the patient’s health, the risk of neuropathy, and allergies. Mainly it doesn't hurt! We recommend that you seek advice from an anesthesiologist.