Consequences of drinking

Consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages

Alcoholism is an urgent problem at all times. Many centuries ago, people learned to cook and drink. In the past, fermented honey and fruits were used to make wine.

In China, rice is used to make alcohol; in India, barley, millet and Iran are used to make cannabis. First learn about beer in Egypt. Alcoholic beverages quickly became popular.

Nowadays, there are many different types of alcohol that can destroy people's lives, destroy families, and completely change a person.

How dangerous is alcohol? Is it possible to refuse?

Concept of alcoholism

If a person drinks excessively, he is called an alcoholic. But when people exceed the traditional alcohol dose, they talk about alcoholism. Some doctors call alcoholism a serious illness because it leads to physical and mental dependence, leading to withdrawal symptoms. In addition, the consequences of drinking are serious visceral diseases, neurological diseases, and mental illnesses.

It is important to distinguish between drunkenness and alcoholism. Usually, drunkenness is always the result of alcoholism. Alcohol consumption is divided into the following stages:

  • Determined bartender-Don't drink at all.
  • Seldom use alcohol, Only on holidays.
  • Drinking in moderation-Three times a month.
  • Abuse of alcohol. . . This group includes alcoholics who drink a lot and cannot control how much they drink. Pay special attention to people with obvious signs of alcoholism. They cannot give up addiction because they worry about hangovers and mental illness.

Myths about the use of alcoholic beverages

  • The first myth.Alcoholics are people who drink cheap drinks every day. In fact, this is not the case. Alcoholism has different forms.
  • The second myth.Drunkenness is not very dangerous to health, but it is unpleasant for others. Many people believe that alcoholism is not as scary as drugs and other dangerous substances. In fact, alcohol can cause severe liver disease, heart disease, and possibly tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis and peptic ulcer disease.
  • The third myth.Alcoholism can only exist among people who are prone to alcoholism. This is not true! Anyone can be addicted to alcohol.
  • The fourth myth.It is impossible to relax without alcohol. There are many other ways to relieve stress, such as exercising in the gym and resting with family members.

Causes of alcohol addiction

The three main causes of alcoholism:

  • biological.It turns out that alcoholism is the result of genetic susceptibility. It is believed that if parents abuse alcohol, the fact that their children will become addicted in the future accounts for 50%.
  • psychological.Usually, alcoholism develops in inactive and weak-willed people. In some cases, alcoholism is caused by trauma, sadness, lack of work and leisure.
  • Socio-economic.The sale of alcohol is prohibited. This is a business that brings good income.

What are the consequences of alcoholism?


Alcohol can affect the central nervous system, liver, and cause myocardial infarction and acute circulatory diseases in the brain. But in pregnant women, the child is born with various pathologies and defects. Regular drinking during pregnancy can cause death in children.


Alcoholism is the main cause of crime and disability. As a person abuses alcohol, his performance declines.

How to deal with addiction?

Remember, in this case, the ban does not apply. Psychotherapists believe it can provide more help:

  • The formation of attitudes towards healthy lifestyles.
  • conviction.
  • Get rid of the alcohol myth.
  • Communicate with awake and healthy people.

Specific prevention of alcoholism includes:

  • Sales are prohibited.
  • Drinking is prohibited by age.
  • Penalties.

Indirect prevention includes reducing alcohol doses and increasing cultural and educational levels.

Why is it best to quit drinking?

  • Everything ended with a serious illness.
  • The problem will not disappear, but will only intensify and accumulate.
  • Alcoholic beverages can cause brain damage. It is important to note that cells will not regenerate over time.
  • In order to achieve the desired effect, alcoholic beverages use more and more different alcoholic beverages instead of paying attention to their harm.

It is worth noting that at first, due to drinking, a person will slow down a little, and then over time, he will completely stop controlling himself, his memory has problems, and his movement coordination is impaired. After a period of time, the inhibitory effect affects the nerve center responsible for the body's important functions: body temperature, respiration, and heart activity.

Alcohol has a negative impact on the reproductive system. Over time, alcohol can affect genetic equipment. This is why children are born with poor mental development and different psychological and physical conditions. Scientists in France have proved that many dead or deformed children are born when mothers drink alcohol throughout their pregnancy.

Therefore, in order to build a strong family with healthy offspring, it may be worth rethinking your bad habits. We do not argue that you will feel happy, beautiful, and peaceful after drinking, but what about the next day? Frustration, emptiness, headache and boredom. You do not need to live on the basis of bad habits, they will bring short-lived pleasures. Learn to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Then you turn around and see how beautiful the world around you is. Take care of your health and don't let addiction ruin you!